The correct answer for 1 is all of the above
There was high corruption among the aristocracy and the rich factory owners and there was a huge lack of not only manufactured goods but also produce and food because all of the made things were being exported to Europe without anything being left for the Russians who had to live in such conditions which made life dreadful.
The correct answer for 2 is Mikhail Gorbachev
He was the last president of the Soviet Union because the Soviet Union was abolished and Russians started having democratic votes for presidents in the future. The president after that was Boris Yeltsin who was a president until 1999 when he resigned because of various pressures and left the country in the hands of Vladimir Putin
The correct answer for 3 is perestroika
This was a system of economic reforms that would help the Soviet Union. It was more based on a free market policies while still adhering to the principles of socialism. It was the first time since Lenin that private ownership was accepted and allowed because Lenin had banned private ownership of businesses.
The correct answer for 4 is Glasnost
This was a system of policies based around transparency of the government and the introduction of some basic human rights that would be protected and similar things. It was democratic and less communist and more socialist and was about preventing the government from censuring and introducing free speech ideas.
The correct answer for 5 is Lech Walesa
He is the only Polish person on the list. Mikhail Gorbachev was the last president of the Soviet union, as mentioned in a previous question, Ronald Reagan was the president of the United States, while Joseph Stalin was a Soviet Union leader in the time around world war 2 and a bit more after it ended.