Key Terms:
Benito Mussolini
Japanese Internment Camps
Adolf Hitler
Saturation bombing
Franklin D Roosevelt
Cash & Carry
Tactical bombing
Harry Truman
"Blank Check"
Operation Downfall
Winston Churchill
Atlantic Conference
Joseph Stalin
Tripartite Pact
Dwight D Eisenhower
Operation Torch
J Robert Oppenheimer
Douglas MacArther
Higgins Boats
Enola Gay
Little Boy
Nazi Party
Fat Man
Nuremberg Laws
Final Solution
Nuremberg Trials
Pearl Harbor
Battle of the Bulge
Manhattan Project
Executive Order 9066
Battle of Midway
Deficit Spending

Important Concepts:

Discuss the significance of nationalism as a factor in the origins of WWII.
Explain the reasons behind early Japanese aggression.
What role did racism and vengeance play in shaping Japanese-American relations?
Discuss the three major plans considered by the United States on how to best attack the Japanese in the Pacific.
Why was WWII considered the first global conflict?
For each of the following countries, determine why each country fought in WWII: Germany, France, Great Britain, Soviet Union, Italy, and Japan.
What is the relationship between the Treaty of Versailles and the rise of Hitler?
Was the neutrality laws passed by the US actually neutral? Why or why not?
What is meant by the Arsenal of Democracy?
Why was the Atlantic Conference of importance in WWII? What three things did Churchill ask FDR for?
Why was Pearl Harbor not a major disaster for the US?
Why was it decided that Europe would be the first objective for the United States in the war?
Why was there tension between the Soviet Union and the western allies?
What was the plan for D-Day? Why was D-Day successful?
Why did Hitler decide to burn Germany as the Allies raced towards Berlin?
Explain the significance of the Nuremberg Trials.
If many counties around the world knew the Holocaust was taking place, why didn't anyone do anything about it?
How was the war in the Pacific different from the war in Europe?
Why is the Battle of Midway considered the turning point of the war in the Pacific?
Why didn't the war in the Pacific end when the US had captured nearly all the islands in the Pacific and Japan was nearly out of supplies?
Was the atomic bomb needed to end the war? What are some of the main points in favor of why we dropped the bomb and why we shouldn't have dropped the bomb?
How was life on the home front in the United States impacted during the war?
Why were Japanese living in the US during WWII placed in internment camps?
Why were Germans and Italians living in the US not treated like the Japanese living in the US?
How did the world change after WWII?

Respuesta :

way to much to answer all at once break it up into multiple questions and i would be happy to answer sorry! : /