I have Tuck Everlasting questions.. here they are -->
How does the stranger beat the constable?
Why does the stranger say he is going ahead? Do you think it is the real person?
How is Winnie's discussion with Miles similar to her discussion with Tuck?
What does Miles want to do with his life? How is he different from his father?
Why did the stranger recognize the tune played by the music box when he was talking to Winnie and her grandmother at the beginning of the story?
What offer does the stranger make to the Tucks? Why? How do the Tucks react to the offer?
Why does Mae Tuck strike the stranger? Do you think she would have struck him if the stranger hadn't mentioned getting Winnie to drink the water?
Why does Winnie take a bowl of water outside?
What is Miles' plan for getting his mother out of jail? Is it a good plan? Why/why not?
Why does Winnie feel responsible for all that has happened? Is she? Explain,
How does the weather change as Winnie and the Tucks help Mae escape? How does the weather aid in the rescue?
How does Winnie help Mae get away?
Compare the first sentence of Chapter 25 with the first sentence of the book. What time of year is it now? How is the atmosphere and the overall feeling the setting creates different now?
Did Winnie get into a lot of trouble with her family for her role in helping Mae escape? Why do you think they acted this way?
What was Winnie's life like after the Tucks left? How do you know?
Why does Tuck say, "Good girl" as he looks at Winnie's headstone? them you like it to you can tell if he look at you a lot and Sade you not and play a lot with you