An analogy is a comparison between two things. When you are looking to form analogies, look for a correspondence between the first pair of words, and determine which answer choice is has words with a similar relationship.
Complete the analogies by selecting the pair of words whose relationship most resembles the relationship of the first pair.
1. desultory : purpose ::
These words are antonyms, so find the option with words that are also antonyms.
A. bland : flavor → antonyms
B. random : chance → synonyms
C. precise : target → synonyms
D. direct : plan → similar subject matter The correct analogy is desultory : purpose :: bland : flavor. Answer: A. bland : flavor 2. colloquialism : language ::
These words are related because colloquialism is conversational "everyday" language, or a specific type of diction or slang. In other words, it is a specific type of a more general category.
A. regions : nations → part of a whole
B. tuxedo : suit → synonyms
C. jeans : clothing → specific type of a general category
D. contract : agreement → synonyms
The correct analogy is colloquialism : language :: jeans : clothing.