Some individuals believe that the genetic engineering of crops has the potential to save lives and prevent starvation. Others believe the risks are too great.

Do you think the benefits of genetically modified foods are greater than the risks? Explain and give evidence in your answer.

Genetically-modified foods are common since introduced in 1994. It is likely that you have eaten these foods
without knowing about it. Some types of genetically-modified foods have the potential to cause big
problems. Some of these problems include:
● Some types of genetically-modified food are approved only for animal feed, not for human
consumption. The crops look exactly the same and could be mixed up. In 2000, a modified corn
product approved only for animals was found in a fast food company’s taco shells.
● Certain crops contain genes that make them resistant to certain antibiotics. If these plants bred
naturally with others, the antibiotic-resistant genes could spread and eventually cause problems with
certain bacteria. These bacteria would be harder to kill with existing antibiotics.
● Some genetically-modified foods contain different proteins that some people are allergic to. There is
no way of knowing the protein exists in the food item if it is not labeled.
● Crops that are engineered to produce toxins to kill insects sometimes kill other species inadvertently.
This includes some important pollinators like butterflies and bees.
● Some individuals believe that the genetic engineering of crops has the potential to save lives and
prevent starvation. Others believe the risks are too great.

Respuesta :

I believe that the disadvantages outway the advantages. Afterall we want to stay healthy and live longer. 

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