Respuesta :
I believe the correct answer is Diabetes is an endocrine disorder because insulin is a hormone.
Insulin is a hormone produced by the endocrine gland called the pancreas and specifically the β-cells of the Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas. These cells produce the polypeptide hormone called insulin that undertakes metabolism of sugar.
Further Explanation:
The endocrine system is part of the major systems of the body and its function is control metabolism, growth, homeostasis and sexual function. It uses chemical messengers called hormones that can either be protein in nature since they are formed by chains of amino acids or steroid in nature. Amino acid based hormones like bind to specific receptors on the surface of their target cells to cause changes in DNA transcription which will produce a response in the target cells. On the other hand, steroid cells are lipophilic (lipid loving) and they can pass through the membrane of the target cells and enter into the cell to produce a desired response. Their mode of communication is slower and lasts longer compared to the nervous system that uses electrical impulses. The organs that produce hormones are called endocrine glands are usually produce the hormones due to chemical changes in the the body. e.g. the hormone insulin is secreted in response to sugar levels lowering beyond the required concentration. Diabetes is caused by a condition which causes the β-cells of the Islets of Langerhans in the pancrease to be defective and not produce insulin so there is no insulin to metabolize the excess sugar in the body. This is type 1 or juvenile diabetes or diabetes insipidus. The other kind of diabetes is type 2 diabetes also called diabetes mellitus which is a lifestyle condition when a person takes food with high sugar levels and does not exercise or do any mitigation to reduce their sugar levels. This overwhelms the insulin and the person develops diabetes and loses more water via the kidney.
Learn More:
Learn more about the endocrine system:
Learn more about homeostasis:
Learn more about endocrine organs:
Level: College
Subject: Biochemistry
Topic: Endocrinology

Diabetes is an endocrine disease because insulin is a hormone.
Further explanation:
Endocrine disorders are divided into the following two categories:
1. Endocrine disease that takes place when a gland produces too little or much of an ‘endocrine hormone’ is known as a hormone imbalance.
2. Endocrine disease results because of the ‘development of lesions’ in the ‘endocrine system’ that may or may not affect ‘hormone levels’.
There are various types of ‘endocrine disorders’, the most common disorder diagnosed in America is Diabetes. Other disorders are as follows:
1. Adrenal insufficiency
2. Cushing’s disease
3. Gigantism
4. Hyperthyroidism
5. Hypopituitarism
6. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Insulin is a hormone that allows ‘glucose’ in the blood to enter ‘cells’, by providing energy for their proper functioning. If there is a lack of effective insulin then it plays a significant role in the ‘development of diabetes’.
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Answer details:
Grade: High School
Topic: Endocrinology
Subject: Social Studies
Keywords: diabetes, hormone, endocrine disease, lesions, development, cells, insulin