1.New Frontier
2.New Deal
3.Nazi dictator
4.standardized parts
5.first to use an assembly line production
7.stock market crash
8.Great Society
9.Confederate General
10.Emancipation Proclamation
11.Union General
12.printing press
13.Declaration of Independence
14.the Environmental Protection Agency
15.Jamestown settlement
A.Alexander Graham Bell
B.Lyndon Johnson
C.Robert E. Lee
D.Ulysses S. Grant
E.Franklin Roosevelt
F.Abraham Lincoln
G.Johann Gutenberg
H.John F. Kennedy
I.Richard Nixon
J.John Smith
K.Eli Whitney
L.Thomas Jefferson
M.Henry Ford
N.Herbert Hoover
O.Adolf Hitler
1.New Frontier---H.John F. Kennedy 2.New Deal---E.Franklin Roosevelt 3.Nazi dictator---O.Adolf Hitler 4.standardized parts---K.Eli Whitney 5.first to use an assembly line production---M.Henry Ford 6.telephone---A.Alexander Graham Bell 7.stock market crash---N.Herbert Hoover 8.Great Society---B.Lyndon Johnson 9.Confederate General---C.Robert E. Lee 10.Emancipation Proclamation---F.Abraham Lincoln 11.Union General---D.Ulysses S. Grant 12.printing press---G.Johann Gutenberg 13.Declaration of Independence---L.Thomas Jefferson 14.the Environmental Protection Agency---I.Richard Nixon 15.Jamestown settlement---J.John Smith