Your paper so far doesn't sound like a interview essay. But i'll do my best.
You are glued to the TV watching all 13 episodes. (you should start with a question.) You (might ) have sat in your room for 24+ hours straight (trying) to finish all of the episodes. When you(r) finish(ed), you start to think about all of these questions. What will Hannah’s parents do when they receive/listen to the tapes? Will Bryce go to jail after raping Hannah and Jessica? And you hope for a second season so your questions will be answered.
(make this your first paragraph or earlier. because not everyone knows the show) 13 Reasons Why is a Netflix show that revolves around a 17-year-old high school student, Hannah Baker. She takes her own life and leaves behind 13 tape recordings containing the 13 (delete the 13) reasons why she killed herself. (try: The story follows Clay Jensen who is listening to the taps in present day, and Hannah baker and what happened. As the series goes on story opens up more to Hannah's decision) It follows a teenager, Clay Jensen, in his quest to uncover the story behind his friend and crush, Hannah Baker, and her decision to end her life.
(is this your thought?) “I think that Hannah’s parents will cry when they receive the tapes because they didn’t know what was going on so they weren't able to help her” one person said. (tell us why) Hannah’s parents were not really in her life. Her parents weren’t home half of the time and when they were they would fight over the bills and money issues. In the show, Hannah was at home with her parents and she told them and they needed to move because of the way Hannah was feeling from everyone at her school. 13 Reasons(.) Why is (it) so popular(?) (mostly) because most students agree that it is based on real-life events. (you could use some more facts, and questions.)