Draw a Punnett square to help you: A woman who is a carrier marries a normal man.a) Whats is the probability that their children will have hemophilia?b) What sex will a child in the family with hemophilia be?

Hemophilia is a genetic disorder that makes coagulation slower, which causes the person to bleed easily and for a more prolonged time.
The gene involved is located in the X hromosomes, so females are more likely to be just carriers, because they have two copies of the gene, while males that inherit the defective gene have only one copy, so they express the disease.
If a carrier woman has children with a healthy man, the Punnett square would be as follows:
This means that there i a 525 chance off having a daughter that is a carrier, a 25% chance ofa healthy daughter, a25% chance of a healthy son, and a 25% chance of a son w th hemophilia.