I need assistance on number 5 including all parts of number 5 thank you !

5a) Propyne is a member of the alkyne group with the formula C3H4. The compound consists of 3 carbon atoms and 4 hydrogen atoms. The expanded form of the compound is as shown below;
b) For the skeletal structure of 2, 2 - dimethyl butane, the carbon and hydrogen atoms are hidden. The structure will only be written in form of lines as shown:
c) The molecular formula for benzene is C6H6. It is cyclic in nature with a total of 6 carbon atoms and 6 hydrogen atoms. The structure of the atom is as shown below;
d) Heptane is an alkane compound with the molecular formula C7H16. The condensed formula do not contain any lines or angles. They are written in term of their hydrogen and carbon compounds.