Radical!A radical (square root of a number) is said to be in"simplest form" when all perfect squares have beenfactored out and simplified: 32 can be factored as✓16-2 which we can simplify to 4:12. Thereby,making the number in the root the smallest numberpossible.How does this simplification connect to the figures youmade in screen 8? Scroll back if necessary.

RadicalA radical square root of a number is said to be insimplest form when all perfect squares have beenfactored out and simplified 32 can be factored as162 wh class=
RadicalA radical square root of a number is said to be insimplest form when all perfect squares have beenfactored out and simplified 32 can be factored as162 wh class=

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The apparent relationships is the following:

*If each square represents a unit, then 1 will always be a factor for values that cannot be simplified further for example:


So, all numbers can be factored in by 1.