WRITE A SHORT POEM based on the poem "If we must die"

If we must die then why shall we exist?
Why strive, fall back to struggle to achieve, and love,
What is the meaning of this blessing and a curse,
If we must die then why is this life so colorful and real,
To have the wits and time to ponder at this question
Knowing full well there is no answer
And knowing that there is no escape.
If we must die and be forgotten,
And have the world go on without us
Most we can do YOLO headfirst into existence,
And live a life that was so meaningless and weird
You can look back on it and say
"If we must die, at least I got to live"
To die dirty in rags is not a way i call
to die in a spot so quiet with rage
To die in no ones heart is a way i do not want
To only hope to live noble and free
I will not die being forgotten
Why shall we live with no impact
why shall we start life when we have not lived
We may breathe and see and think
But it's gone before we blink
But time is always short
Cannot be afriad to die because it is invertiable
But thoses who take our chance
To for once truly live
And they just change
May then we accept death.