I don't really understand how to do this puzzle.

Tammy Simpson-Guitar
Gina Donaldson- Trombone
Shannon Green- Drums
Donna Thompson- Sax
This is called an X logic puzzle. You use the clues to figure out the answers and in this particular case, you are trying to figure out the girls' first and last names and the instrument they play.
(Black "x"=correct, Blue "/"=Incorrect)
I put the x's as the ones that are wrong and the o's as the correct one, but your question asks for x's in the correct spots, my apologies, just swap the o's for x's
So clue 1s eliminations are highlighted in red (the ones beginning with the same letter as the first name)
We move to clue 2, highlighted in blue. Eliminates drums and sax, meaning Tammy plays guitar. This also means we can eliminate the others playing guitar
Clue 3: We get Gina's last name, and can eliminate Thompson from Shannon's row. We can eliminate Donaldson from the other 3, leaving only one option for Shannon's last name: Green.
Eliminate Green from the others, leaving one name for Tammy: Simpson.
Eliminate Simpson from the others leaving Thompson for Donna
Clue 4 confirms what we got for clue 3.
We can then go back to clue 1, and eliminate the options that match the first letter of each girls' last name. These ones are in pink