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"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, you've heard a lot of things from the prosecutor. You've heard me say many things as well You've even heard the judge says things to you as this trial has gone on What you need to keep in mind is that justice is blind.
"So with your eyes closed, consider the facts. My client has not broken the law. Let me say that again. My client broke no laws.
He is protected by the Bill of Rights to write an article that criticizes the governor. In fact, by exercising his right to free speech,
would say he is a true patriot. If the citizens of this country cannot criticize their leaders without being sued, then we do not deserve
the right to free speech."
What is the author's purpose in writing this speech?

A. to convince the jury of the client's innocence

B. to inform the jury why the client is being sued

C. to instruct the jury on how to make a fair decision

to criticize the judge's way of conducting the trial

Respuesta :


B to inform the jury why the client is being sued