It is easy for me!
5/17 - Rational (R)
8.07 - R
4[tex]\pi[/tex]= I
0.5555555555555555... = I
0.5 with a bar over 5 means that the 5's recur (look above. I have underlined it for you).
22 - R
If you see the "..." that means that a number is 100% irrational.
The square root of 49 is 7. R
0.18 R
√18 = I
6+1/5 = R
10.613902... I
√36 - R
2.462 (with 462 recurring) I
-12π - I
-6, 302, 015 - R
5.4735 - R
√2 = I
-13.03003... I
-2/3 - R
10.056 (with 6 recurring) = I
Good luck with Maths! I hope my answer was helpful!
- RosalindCordelia