Marcela estimates the distance between the library and town hall is 735 ft. The actual distance is 612 ft.

What is the percent error in Marcela's estimate?

Round your answer to the nearest tenth of a percent.

Enter your answer in the box.

A car's speedometer has a percent error of 5%. The speedometer currently shows that the car is traveling at a speed of 60 mph.

Which statement describes what the actual speed of the car could be?

The actual speed of the car is either 30 mph or 90 mph.
The actual speed of the car is either 55 mph or 65 mph.
The actual speed of the car is either 57 mph or 63 mph.
The actual speed of the car is either 58 mph or 62 mph.


Respuesta :

The percent error in Marcela's estimate is 612÷735=8.3%.

The actual speed of the car is either 57 mph or 63 mph. (60×0.05=3, 60-3=57 mph or 60+3= 63 mph)


The answer is 57 mph or 63mph

Step-by-step explanation:

i did the test