MonoHybrid Genetics:
Most genetic traits have a stronger, dominant allele and a weaker, recessive allele. In an
individual with a heterozygous genotype, the dominant allele shows up in the offspring and the
recessive allele gets covered up and doesn't show; we call this complete dominance.
However, some alleles don't completely dominate others. In fact, some heterozygous
genotypes allow both alleles to partially show by blending together how they are expressed; this is
called incomplete dominance. Other heterozygous genotypes allow both alleles to be completely
expressed at the same time like spots or stripes; this is called codominance. Examples of each are
listed below.
Write what each type would be if they were heterozygous.
1. Complete dominance = Ifa Red (RR) and White flower (IT) were crossbred, resulting in 100% Rr,
what phenotype would be seen and in what ratios, according to the rules of COMPLETE
2. Incomplete dominance = If a Red (RR) and White flower (II) were crossbred, resulting in 100%
Rr, what phenotype(s) would be seen and in what ratios, according to the rules of IN-complete
3. Codominance = If a Red (RR) and White flower (WW) were crossbred, resulting in 100% RW,
what phenotype(s) would be seen and in what ratios, according to the rules of