1. No, Lin is incorrect. If you change both numbers to regular notation, you get that Panama has 4,000,000 residents, and Thailand has 70,000,000 residents. 4 million times 20 is 80 million, not 70 million.
2. 10^8. You need to put 10 to the 8th power because 1 × 10^7 is too little, so it is the next power to use that isn't too small
3. Label each increment 10^7, 2 × 10^7, 3 × 10^7... 9 × 10^7, 10^8.
4. Panama's point would be located 2/5 of the way between 0 and 10^7. Peru's point would be located 1/5 of the way between 3 × 10^7 and 4 × 10^7. Thailand's point would be located right on 7 × 10^7.
*There are files attached for both steps 3 and 4 if you need help visualizing.