6) To make a difference is a lot like scoring a touch down you need
team work. Having a team can help making a difference a whole
lot easier by using team work. It's obvious that one person versus
two is unfair, so to make a difference a lot of people for your
cause the more teammates you have the better chance you have
to make a difference. Say you have five people complaining about
a road in your subdivision, but no one does any thing to fix the
road try and convience some neighbors to file complaints lets say
you got fifty people complaining to the city to fix the road and the
next day they start construction on the road. Team work was the
key if you have a cause and you don't know where to start try
getting a team. When people work together you can get anything
done just think what you could do to make a difference in your
community. Weather it be charity work recycling or your cause
you can do it together.

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