The Answer Is NOT D. Rhyme
A. chorus
B. ode
C. alliteration
D. rhyme

would it be a chorus? in our church when they have songs like that its called a chorus ;-;
C. alliteration
Repetition is the use of any element of language—a sound, word, phrase, clause, or sentence—more than once. Poets use many kinds of repetition to add emphasis, drama, or musical rhythm to a poem.
Rhyming is a form of repetition in which the sound is repeated. Now you will learn about two other types of repetition used in lyric poetry: refrain and alliteration.
A refrain is a line or group of lines repeated throughout a poem. A refrain can be
a line or two of verse that comes at the end of a stanza; or
a stanza that is repeated regularly throughout the poem.
In musical terms, the repeated lines sung after a stanza are called a chorus.
Alliteration is the repetition of the same consonant sound, such as many Mondays, or dazzling dream. This type of sound repetition can occur at the beginning, middle, or end of the word.