Answer: There you go, Have a nice rest of your day!
The journalist: And what do you do to start your day?
Victor: After getting up, I wash my face and hands, shave and brush my teeth.
The journalist: Yes, yes, I understand. we all do those things. But what do you do to get ahead of all the other cyclists, to become a champion?
Victor: Like a light breakfast. I dress, put on my shoes, comb my hair and go out to train for two or three hours. Then I go home, take a shower and have lunch. After lunch, which is quite big, I go to bed to rest a bit.
The journalist: And then, what are you doing in the afternoon?
Victor: I exercise and ride a bike for another two or three hours. I have dinner at seven thirty and go to bed before ten. I need a lot of rest. I don't usually go out at night.
The journalist: Very interesting. So, you don't do anything very exceptional. All young people have the same opportunity to become champions if they want to train.
Victor: It's true.
The journalist: By the way, you have a very nice bike. How much does it cost?
Victor: Ten thousand dollars.