Respuesta :


The moon and stars appear to move across the earths sky each night because the earth spins on its axis, and because of the earth's rotation.


Perspective and the Earths rotation


think of a dot (you) on the edge of a blue circle (earth), now think of another yellow circle (the sun) nearby that one, and then a third grey one (the moon) between the blue one and the yellow one

the moon will orbit the earth in its own rotation, as it moves around the earth, its position in relation to you changes, if it goes 45 degrees, you will see it lower in the horizon (assuming it started smack above you) and as it orbits around, et gets further and further away from you, untill it eventually lowers below the horizon and becomes out of view, going to the other side of the earth

it is a different story for the earth and sun however, as the earth and moon have their cycles between each other, the earth rotates round and round, though it has the same effect as the moon and earth, the sun and earth are achieving this by a different method, wile the sun stays in a relative fixed point in relation to the rest of the solar system, the dot (you) rotate around and see the sun from different angles

its kind of complicated, and i dont know the scientific terms completly, but i hope this helps to at least find out more via a Wikipedia, a website or just general research, if you are still stumped on this please let me know via comment

taje care m8 :)

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