
Directions: Please use the space below to research your assigned perspective(individual or society) that you will argue for in tomorrow's debate. Record any specific points you want to argue, as well as, any clarifying questions you have for the other side. Be sure to document your research and make sure you stay within your assigned perspective (individual or society).

Individual: You are a member of the third estate during the French Revolution. Despite having a job you are required by law to pay a significant amount of taxes or else be imprisoned. Do you continue to give your wages to the French government and not have your individual needs met?

Society: You live in France just prior to the outbreak of chaos in France. Your father is a member of the French government, serving in the second estate. He is among the men who are being greatly criticized for the recent tax laws that have been imposed on France to help the country pay off war debt. You see some unfairness in the law, but have always been taught that service to your country is your duty. How do you argue in support of your father and remain loyal to France?​

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