If two places on the ground that are 25° 35'N and 25° 30'N are shown 8 cm a part on a given map, what is the scale of the map?

Explanation:Do you live in a city, or in a small town? Or do
you live on a farm or a ranch? Has your family
lived there a long time or a short time? How does
living where you do affect the way you live? For
example, do you need special clothes in the winter? Is your favorite food grown nearby, or is it
brought in from far away?
All these questions have to do with geography.
Geography is the study of our home—the earth—
and how our lives are affected by it. Almost every
detail of our lives is affected by geography. The
clothes we wear, the food we eat, the things we do
for fun, and the kinds of homes in which we live
are all connected to geography.