Respuesta :
1) The light microscope. The common light microscope used in the laboratory is called a compound microscope because it contains two types of lenses that function to magnify an object. The lens closest to the eye is called the ocular, while the lens closest to the object is called the objective. Most microscopes have on their base an apparatus called a condenser, which condenses light rays to a strong beam.
2) Other light microscopes. In addition to the familiar compound microscope, microbiologists use other types of microscopes for specific purposes. These microscopes permit viewing of objects not otherwise seen with the light microscope.
3) The fluorescent microscope uses ultraviolet light as its light source. When ultraviolet light hits an object, it excites the electrons of the object, and they give off light in various shades of color. Since ultraviolet light is used, the resolution of the object increases. A laboratory technique called the fluorescent‐antibody technique employs fluorescent dyes and antibodies to help identify unknown bacteria.