please someone do this ill gove u brainliest answer

The answer is below
According to the historical records, the following events are written in chronological of occurence
Dinosaurs disappear - 65,000,000 BCE
Civilization begins in Mesopotamia - 12,000 BCE
Construction of Stonehenge begins - 3,000 BCE
Hammurabi modified law - 1785 BCE
Death of King Tutankhamun - 1323 BCE
Trojan War Begins - 1194 BCE
Battle of Thermopylae - 480 BCE
Battle of Zama - 202 BCE
Assassination of Julius Ceasar - 44 BCE
Fall of Rome - 476 CE
Battle of Hastings - 1066 CE
Battle of Waterloo - 1815 CE
Canada becomes a country - 1867 CE
Word War I - 1914 CE
Japanese Attack Pearl Harbour - 1941 CE
Newfoundland joins Canada - 1949 CE
Korean War Begins - 1950 CE
Queen Elizabeth II is crowned - 1952 CE
JFK Assassinated - 1963 CE
Ms. Dowling is born - 1981 CE
World Trade Center attacked - 2001 CE
Donald Trump becomes President of the United States - 2017 CE