"My Name" by Sandra Cisneros-Close Read Questions According to Chinese Zodiac, these are common traits of people born during the Year of the Horse: stubborn, independent—don't take advice, social, and clever. Where in the story does the narrator show these traits?

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"My Name" by Sandra Cisneros

The narrator showed these traits of the horse: "stubborn, independent—don't take advice, social, and clever," where:

she indicated her willingness to "baptize" herself in a new name.


Quoting the narrator, she said: "I would like to baptize myself under

a new name, a name more like the real me, the one nobody sees."  This shows that she has an interior that is not exterior.  The real "she" is not revealed.  And that real "she" is "stubborn, independent—don't take advice, social, and clever."  This writing titled, "My Name from the House on Mango Street" by Sandra Cisneros, shows that names are important in the lives of the bearers.  They should be chosen carefully.  It is more spiritual than physical, and must be chosen to reflect spiritual aspirations.

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