Respuesta :


prolly just. give it some time unless it's bleeding :/


also square up with whoever had the auDaCitY to stab u with a pencil


Explanation:If you're stabbed and the pencil is literally stuck in your body, leave the pencil where it is, call 911 and don't do anything but remain seated or reclined in a position of comfort (if it's possible to sit or lay down safely) Let EMS handle it.

If you got poked hard with the pencil and the wound is just a small dot of broken skin, or shallow skin puncture, wash and clean the wound of graphite, wood splinters, paint chips or whatever else may have been embedded in the skin. If you can't be sure all the debris out, or the pencil was covered in unidentified filth to begin with, go to the emergency room.

Otherwise, bandage it and apply pressure if it's clean but still bleeding. Make an appointment to see your primary. but heres how you clean it,

Wash your hands. This helps avoid infection.

Stop the bleeding. Apply gentle pressure with a clean bandage or cloth.

Clean the wound. Rinse the wound with clear water for five to 10 minutes. If dirt or debris remains in the wound after washing, use tweezers cleaned with alcohol to remove the particles. See a doctor if you can't remove all of the debris. Clean the skin around the wound with soap and a washcloth.

Apply an antibiotic. Apply a thin layer of an antibiotic cream or ointment (Neosporin, Polysporin). Certain ingredients in some ointments can cause a mild rash in some people. If a rash appears, stop using the ointment and seek medical care.

Cover the wound. Bandages help keep the wound clean.

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