Multi-part question:

Part 1:

Use MySQL Workbench to create an EER model for a database that stores information about the downloads that users make. (When you create the EER model, it will be given a default name of mydb. For this exercise, it’s not necessary to change this name.) Define the tables that are necessary to implement this data structure:

Each user must have an email address, first name, and last name.

Each user can have one or more downloads.

Each download must have a filename and download date/time.

Each product can be related to one or more downloads.

Each product must have a name.

When you’re done defining the tables, create a diagram for the database. Then, use the diagram to define the required relationships. When you do that, be sure to use the relationship button that uses existing columns.

Part 2:

Create a view named order_item_products that returns columns from the Orders, Order_Items, and Products tables.

This view should return these columns from the Orders table: order_id, order_date, tax_amount, and ship_date.

This view should return the product_name column from the Products table.

This view should return these columns from the Order_Items table: item_price, discount_amount, final_price (the discount amount subtracted from the item price), quantity, and item_total (the calculated total for the item).

Part 3:

Write a SELECT statement that uses the view that you created in part 2 to get total sales for the five best selling products. Sort the result set by the order_total column in descending sequence.

Respuesta :


part 1:


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