Read very very carefully and it says what to choice). In this lesson you learned about time lines and how Thematic Time Lines show events pertaining to a particular historical theme. You will create a time line of important events related to a single theme from prehistory to A.D. 1600. ( You will have three lessons in which to complete): 1: Themes)--> For this assignment you will create a thematic time line of five events. To begin with, however, you will first decide on two possible themes for the time line. You will choose one of these themes. Choose two themes from the list below that you would consider for your Thematic Time Line: • Politics, The Miltary, and Economics. • Religion, Philosophy, and Learning. • Science, Technology, and Innovations. • Literature, Visual Arts, Theater, and Music. To give you some practice in associating events with themes, choose the event that would be included on a time line for each of the following themes: ---> I posted a picture of the practice sheet. ( 2: Events ---> Choose five events for each of the two themes you chose in Step 1 ( for a total of ten events). Your final time line will cover only five events for one theme. The events must have occurred within the period under study ( Prehistory to A.D. 1600). You may wonder how you can represent such a long time span, from prehistory to A.D. 1600, with only five events. It won't be easy. You must choose events that you believe are major milestones of this period; events that had a major impact on history. Later in the assignment, you will defend your choices and explain why you included each event on your time line. ( To give you some practice choosing events, choose the one event in each group below that you believe is the most important; the one event that had the biggest effect on history. Below, you will defend your choice by explaining why you think it was the most important. (Group A--> •Second century B.C: Romans build aqueducts to supply water to cities. •A.D. Second century: Pulp papermaking process is invented in China. • Seventh century: Muslim architects build mosques with domes. ( Group B--> • c. Second century B.C: Zhang Qian helps establish the Silk Road. •c. A.D. 1080: Venice and Byzantium sign a treaty governing commerce. • 1158: Munich, Germany, becomes center of salt trade in Europe). Now it's time to choose five events for each of the two themes you chose. First you'll need to review the major events from prehistory to A.D. 1600. A convenient way to do this would be to look at the time lines for Chapters 1 through 17 that appear at the beginning of each chapter. As you review this time period, write down events that are good candidates for thematic time lines related to the themes you chose. Remember that you are only interested in events that are related to these two themes. Try to compile a list of about 10 events for each theme. Don't write long entries; just jot down key ideas. Now choose the five most important events for each theme. Write these events in the corresponding section of the Graded assignment sheet. Include a time for each event ( such as 509 B.C., A.D. second century, 1066, and so on). (Part 3. Select a Theme: Select one of the two themes you chose earlier. You will create a thematic time line based on this theme. Write this theme in the corresponding section. ( Part 4: --> Rationale/Defense of Entries: You now have a theme and five events for a Thematic time line covering prehistory to A.D. 1600. You need to defend your choices for the events by explaining why you included each one. For each event, be as specific as possible as you answer the following questions: 1) Why is this event important?, 2) What impact did this event have on society?, 3) How is the world different because of this event?, 4) Why is this event more significant than most other events within the theme? For each event you selected in groups A and B above, write a short paragraph that defends your choice and provides a rationale for why you think it is the most important of the three. Group A: and Group B: Write a short paragraph for each event that explains why you included the event on your time line. ( Part 5:--> Create a thematic time line for the theme you chose that includes, at a minimum, the five events you selected for that theme. Follow these guidelines as you develop the time line. 1) Your time line can include up to ten events.( The time line must included at a minimum five events. 2) Each entry on the time line should include a date( year or century), a description of the event, and an image. The image can be something you illustrate or find on the internet. 3) Include a title for the time line that incorporates the time line's theme. [ Will Mark Brainliest ]. Need Help ASAP Please. ( If you write anything down that has nothing to do with this assignment you will be reported asap) Please no plagiarism. ( Don't Answer If You Don't Know). Follow all the steps. ​

Read very very carefully and it says what to choice In this lesson you learned about time lines and how Thematic Time Lines show events pertaining to a particul class=

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