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His writing prowess was made what made him unique while growing in the Caribbean and this same talent was maximized fully by him in solving the nation's problems. His poor financial background also made him wise in handling the finances of the nation.
Alexander Hamilton was a product of an adulterous affair between his mother Rachel Faucet and his father James Hamilton. His mother died when he was still young, while his father abandoned the family. He was born on a Caribbean Island known as Navis. At the age of eleven, he wrote an excellent letter about a hurricane storm that affected Navis Island. This gained him recognition among the residents who in turn sponsored him to study at the King's College in New York, in 1772.
He fully harnessed this special ability of writing, in his political career. For example, he is claimed to be the author of several of the Federalist papers which were written to convince the people on why it was important for them to ratify the United States Constitution. He was also the Secretary of the United States Treasury where he excellently served the first President of the United States, George Washington.