Please fill this out for me im lazy lol, you can use the link provided if you want to find information on it.

1. Meth, or methamphetamine, is a powerfully addictive stimulant that is both long-lasting and toxic to the brain. Its chemistry is similar to speed (amphetamine), but meth has far more dangerous effects on the body’s central nervous system.
2. Has a high potential for abuse and may lead to severe psychological or physical dependence
3. rapid/irregular heartbeat, increased blood pressure, elevated body temperatures
4. paranoia, delusions, "meth mouth" and skin sores, long-term harm to your brain or death
1. Steroids are a class of drugs used to treat a wide variety of medical conditions.
2. Anabolic steroids are designed for medical use only and they have a high potential for abuse
3. irritable, hostile, aggressive, develop severe acne
4. Males- shrunken testcles, develop breasts, lose hair. Females- stop menstrual cycle, cause excessive body and facial hair, leave you with male-pattern baldness, decrease breast size
1. Rohypnol is a central nervous system (CNS) depressant medication that is not approved or available for medical use in the United States. In this country, it is abused for its sedative and muscle-relaxant effects.
2. Because of these effects, it has been associated with sexual assaults and is known as the “date-rap drug.”
3. slows down the central nervous system, causing a range of effects, including exhaustion, sedation, confusion, impaired coordination, impaired judgment and memory loss. Use it, and you can become physically and psychologically incapacitated, meaning you’re unable to move or think—or you’re knocked out.
4. slow the pulse and breathing, leading to unconsciousness, slowed heart rate, suppressed breathing and, ultimately, death.
Couldn't find ecstasy on list