Classify each possible change listed according to whether it will make small farms more efficient or less efficient based on the information in the Washington Post article Small vs. Large: Which Size Farm Is Better for the Planet

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Full question:

Classify each possible change listed according to whether it will make small farms more efficient or less efficient based on the information in the Washington Post article Small vs. Large: Which Size Farm Is Better for the Planet:

Plant more disease-resistant crops, reduce the number of different crops planted, avoid planting genetically modified crops, rely more on organic rather than synthetic methods of farming,

Answer and Explanation:

Plant more disease-resistant crops is classified under more efficient and Less costly. The writer believes disease resistant crops increase efficiency as there is reduced occurrence of death of crops and consequent increased losses and costs

Reduce the number of different crops planted is classified under more efficient and less costly. The writer emphasizes specialization in farming whereby for example planting rice or corn should be done alone and not mixed with other crops as this would be less efficient and costly.

Avoid planting genetically modified crops is classified less efficient and more costly. The writer encourages planting genetically modified crops as genetically modified plants are geared towards increased plant product and yield from genetically optimized plants

Rely more on organic rather than synthetic methods of farming is classified less efficient and more costly. In the article, the writer believes chemically induced crops are bad for the environment and don't yield much in efficiency with time

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