The bell rang. "Oh no! I'm going to be late for science! I've got to go," said Cassie to her
friend Tom. Tom rolled his eyes and said, "Little Miss Perfect can't be late." This upset
Cassie. She hated when people gave her a hard time for trying to do the right thing,
especially Tom. "Quiet you," she said while swinging at Tom with her folder. He narrowly
dodged the strike and said, "Be careful now. Attacking another student is a level two
offense." Then he smiled a big, cheesy grin at her.

a. First Person

b. Third Person Objective

c. Third Person Limited

d. Third Person Omniscient

Explain how you know:

Respuesta :

It's c, Third Person Limited. It is third person (they, he, she, etc) but with access to only one person's feeling/thoughts (Cassie).