Can someone help me with labels???? If they are correct ill mark u as the best answer

1. Nucleolus- inside of the nucleus, makes ribosomes
2. Rough Endoplasmic Rectilium(Rough ER)- synthesizes proteins, has sibosomes
3. Smooth Endoplasmic Rectilium(Smooth ER)- does not have ribosomes, produces protein and lipid(fat)
4. Vacuole- stores water, sugar, and pigment
5. Chloroplast- photosynthesis happens here
6. Cell Wall- provides support
7. Membrane- controls what goes in and out of the cell
8. Mitochondria- power house of the cell, produces power from chemical energy
9. Golgi Bodies- Prepares proteins and lipids for the inside an outside of the cell
10. Ribosome(the little black dots)- attaches to Rough ER, transfer RNA to protein(protein synthesis),