The poem doesn't clearly state why Hrothgar and his warriors did not fight back or try kill Grendel. Using words like uncertain or ambiguous, describe at least two possible reasons that Hrothgar and his warriors did not resist Beowulf. Cite strong and thorough evidence from the text for your response.

Respuesta :


The possibility of winning the battle was very uncertain.

There was much ambiguity in the courage of Hrothgar and his warriors.


Grendel was a very fierce, violent and powerful monster. It would be very difficult for a warrior to get him. In other words, death was something very real for anyone who was going to fight against Grendel, besides being a violent and painful death, the possibility of victory against Grendel was uncertain and this generated ambiguity in the courage of King Hrothgar and his warriors, who preferred choose to live under the judgment of the monster than face it head on, until the arrival of Beowulf, who was a war that did not present ambiguity in his choices.

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