Answer:No 3 has incomplete question, but I'll complete it before answering.
Please see answer in the explanation column
Explanation:An unconditioned response,UR is a natural reaction that occurs from a given stimulus, usually An Unconditioned Stimulus,US. However, when we attribute a response to the initial stimulus that triggered our behaviour, that response becomes a Condtioned Response, CR because we have made the initial stimulus, a Condtioned Stimulus, CS that associates a particular behaviour to it.
No 1 contains two questions
1a)..A UCS---Flushing a toilet
B. UCR ----jumping back from hot shower
CS----when you flush a toilet the next time
CR---jumping back before temperature of water changes
1b)A. UCS----Eating new food
B. UCR--- Sick from food
D. CS-When you smell that food that caused flu
CR---Feeling Nauseous
Number 2 contains two questions
2a)A. UCS----frequent injections
B. UCR--- increased heart rate
D. CS-Entering the room to receive injection
CR---Immediately having increased hear rate
2b).A UCS----loud startling noise paired with white rat
B. UCR---Albert is startled
D. CS- Upon seeing White rat
CR---Albert is Automatically startled
Complete question of No3
3.You have a meal at a fast food restaurant that causes food poisoning the next time you see a sign from that restaurant you are nauseous.
A UCS----Eating a meal at a particular restaurant
B. UCR---food poisoning
D. CS- Upon seeing the sign of the restaurant
CR---feeling nauseous