Who says the following and why? Need and oppression starveth in thine eyes, Contempt and beggary hang upon thy back; The world is not thy friend nor the world's law: The world affords no law to make thee rich; Then be not poor, but break it, and take this. (V. i. 77-81) Tybalt is taunting Romeo right before they fight. Romeo is convincing the apothecary to sell him poison. Juliet is scolding Nurse for not keeping her secret. Benvolio is lamenting Mercutio's death.
answer: Romeo convincing the apothecary to sell him the poison. explanation: Romeo is telling the apothecary he should take his money because he’s poor and even though the apothecary doesn’t want to sell him the poison because it could get him in trouble, it won’t matter because he’ll still be living his life in poverty .