Must be completed in JAVA

Complete SortedTableMap. The SortedTreeMap from the final lecture uses an AVLTree to implement the SortedMap interface so that the essential methods run in O(log n) time, which is relatively quite good. For this problem, complete the empty SortedTableMap class by using an ArrayList to implement the SortedMap interface. It will not be possible to implement all of the essential methods so that they run in O(log n) time, but your implementation should be as runtime efficient as possible. Specifically, the get method can be done in O(log n) time; some other methods can be done in O(n), some can be done in O(1).

package Class;

* This file should not be modified

public interface SortedMap extends Map {

Entry firstEntry();
Entry lastEntry();
Entry floorEntry(K key);
Entry ceilingEntry(K key);
Entry lowerEntry(K key);
Entry higherEntry(K key);
Iterable> subMap(K fromKey, K toKey);


package Class;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;

* Complete this file for part 3 of the assignment
* No additional classes should be imported

public class SortedTableMap extends AbstractMap implements SortedMap {


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