Telemachus swerved around him, leaving the long dark spear planted in Amphinomus. If he paused to yank it out someone might jump him from behind or cut him down with

a sword
at the moment he bent over. So he ran—ran from the tables to his father's side and halted, panting, saying:

"Father let me bring you a shield and spear,
a pair of spears, a helmet.
I can arm on the run myself; I'll give
outfits to Eumaeus and this cowherd.
Better to have equipment."

Respuesta :

This question is incomplete. Here is the complete question:

Read the excerpt from The Odyssey about Odysseus and his son in battle:

Telemachus swerved around him, leaving the long dark spear planted in Amphinomus. If he paused to yank it out someone might jump him from behind or cut him down with a sword at the moment he bent over. So he ran—ran from the tables to his father's side and halted, panting, saying: "Father let me bring you a shield and spear, a pair of spears, a helmet. I can arm on the run myself; I'll give outfits to Eumaeus and this cowherd. Better to have equipment."

How do Telemachus’s actions in battle compare to his father’s:

A)Telemachus is more impulsive than Odysseus in battle.

B)Telemachus is more hesitant than Odysseus in battle.

C) Both Telemachus and Odysseus are quick-thinking in battle.

D) Both Telemachus and Odysseus are arrogant in battle.


The correct answer is option C) Both Telemachus and Odysseus are quick-thinking in battle.


In this excerpt we can see Telemachus and his father Odysseus in battle.

Telemachus is very smart and bold, he knows that if he stops someone could attack him from behind so he analyzed that the best option was to run and be fast.

These characteristics were inherited from his father, since he is also bold and intelligent, and above all fast. He always has an analysis of the whole panorama and knows how to choose the best option.

Given this information we can say that the correct answer is option C.


The answer is C


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