need help ASP Please

Answer: so just fill it out with the things you like and so on then for the noun basically if it is capitalized it is proper noun if it is lowercase it is a common noun
Hope this helps you:)
Common nouns will be italicized and proper nouns will be bolded.
3.1) My favourite games are (two options here - you can choose a game like chess, or tag - or a game like Monopoly or Candy Land).
3.2) (insert name of band here) is my favourite band.
3.3) The best place in my country is (insert name of state, city, town, etc.).
3.4) I think you might like to read (insert name of book).
3.5) My family had (insert type of food) for (insert meal time - breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc.).
3.6) Last summer I went to (insert name of state, city, town, etc.) and saw (insert something you would see there).
3.7) I do not like to eat (insert food item), but I prefer (insert food item).
Hope this helps! :)