Hi Plsss answer this the question in the photo .No need for explanation just number it from 1 to 4 and make it clear .Its easy for most of you guys I’m sure .

There shaking hands
Shaking hands in a sign of respect to the other player through physical contact, for a example the president of the united states shakes everyones hand to show respect to the people in the room. Sports work the same way to show sports man ship they shake hands to not leave a bad impreshion and to say that, "You did a great job and thank you for the game." Such as in photo one You can see that the two tennis players shake hands over the net either before or after the game as a greeting or as way to say great game. The second photo were the two soccer players are shaking hands its also a good sports man ship to shake the other team players hand. The third photo were there giving a hand to the other teams player is being helpful in picking him up after he had fallen, this is another sign or respect and good sportsman ship. The last photo shows the two team leaders about to shake hands and end the game on a postitive note by showing respect through a hand shake.