Spanish question (30 points) and brainliest (tell me how bc idk how to add brainliest)
picture attached*

1. Los pantalones son feos.
Answer 1: No los quiere comprar.
Translation 1: The pants are ugly. He doesn't want to buy them.
2. No le gusta la camiseta.
Answer 2: No la quiere comprar.
Translation 2: He doesn't like the t-shirt. He doesn't want to buy it.
3. Le gustan mucho las camisas.
Answer 3: Las quiere comprar.
Translation 3: He really likes shirts. He wants to buy them.
4. Prefiere los calcetines verdes.
Answer 4: Los quiere comprar.
Translation 4: He prefers green socks. He wants to buy them.
5. El sombrero es horrible.
Answer 5: No lo quiere comprar.
Translation 5: The hat is horrible. He doesn't want to buy it.
6. Prefiere los zapatos azules.
Answer 6: Los quiere comprar.
Translation 6: He prefers blue shoes. He wants to buy them.
7. No necesita pantalones cortos.
Answer 7: No los quiere comprar.
Translation 7: He doesn't need shorts. He doesn't want to buy them.
8. Prefiere la chaqueta blanca.
Answer 8: La quiere comprar.
Translation 8: He prefers the white jacket. He wants to buy it.