The diagram shows a forest food web. Which organism is both a secondary and tertiary consumer?

it would be the fox
the fox is the tertiary consumer because the fox is the highest in the food chain,then the fox eats the mouse which eats the grass.
NOTE: tertiary and secondary animals ONLY eat the animals that eat producers which would be the mouse and the rabbit.
According to the diagram, Fox is both a secondary and tertiary consumer. Animals can be both depending on what they are hunting for. When the Fox will hunt the Rabbit, the secondary consumer. When the Fox will hunt the Shrew or Mouse, the tertiary consumer.
Tertiary consumers are usually capable of feeding on secondary consumers and primary consumers. Tertiary consumers can be either completely carnivorous or omnivorous. Humans are the most suitable example of a tertiary consumer.
The organisms that eat the primary consumers are called secondary consumers. The secondary consumers tend to be larger and fewer in number.
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