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Carbohydrates come in different forms: simple and complex. Simple carbs found in foods like cookies and candy lack vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Cutting back on these sweets, is a great way to eat healthier. Foods with complex carbs like whole-wheat bread, beans, and fruit, have lots of nutrients that are good for you.
Many low-fat or no-fat foods have added sugar, starch, or salt to make up for the reduction in fat. These "wonder" foods often have just as many calories, or more, than the regular version.
Eating a healthy breakfast can help you manage your hunger later in the day and help you to say, "No thanks," to unhealthy snacks. No scientific studies have shown that skipping the morning meal leads directly to weight gain.
People who eat late at night do tend to put on extra weight. One possible reason is that late-night eaters tend to choose high-calorie treats. Some people who snack after dinner do not sleep well, which can lead to unhealthy cravings the next day.
There are some people who are overweight with healthy blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels. For most people, excess weight increases the risk for heart disease and diabetes. The longer you are overweight, the more your risk of developing disease increases.