Can u answer these in Spanish ASAP

Answer: 1. Sí me gustan los animales! Tengo un perro/gato (depends which you have at home) se llama (your pet's name).
2. Yo pienso que la crueldad animal es muy mala, porque estan abusando y maltratando a los animales. (In english: I think that animal cruelty is really bad, because people who do animal cruelty are mistreating and abusing animals.)
3. Yo creo que deberiamos tener leyes para proteger a los animales, por que muchos animales en los zoologicos estan siendo abusados, y no les dan la comida correcta. (In english: I think that we should have laws that protect animals because in many zoos, animals are being mistreated, and not given the right food.)
4. Sí, me encantaria ser voluntario/a (depends on your gender) en un Foster de animales, para cuidar de ellos como de debería. (In english: Yes! I would love to volunteer in an animal foster, so I could take care of them like everyone should.)
1. Do you like animals? Which animals do you have? Cat, dog? What's his name?
2. What are your thoughts on animal cruelty?
3. Do you believe in the laws that protects animals?
4. would you volunteer to help animlas in foster ?