- Only the methyl ester of aspartame is sweet. True
- Amide bonds can be hydrolyzed under only acidic conditions. False
- The zwitterionic form of the amide bond is the most favored resonance form. True
- The phosphoric acid in soda hydrolyses the aspartame ester making it sweet. False
Aspartame is obtained by combining phenylalanine and aspartic acid. Its main impurity is dicetopiperazine, which does not possess sweetening properties.
- Amide bonds can be hydrolyzed both under basic and acidic conditions.
- The zwitterionic form of the amide bond is the most favored resonance form. A zwitterion is an electrically neutral chemical compound, but it has formal positive and negative charges on different atoms, presenting high stability
- Phosphoric acid creates an acidic medium that improves the absorption of carbon dioxide, reducing the pressure generated by carbon dioxide and thus allowing bottleneck. Phosphoric acid has a bitter taste that is offset by the addition of sugar
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