"Use the following image to complete the matching exercise below. You will match the number from each white box in the image with the proper term.

Answer 1) Continental Shelf - It is the area of seabed around a large land mass from where the sea is relatively shallow as compared to the open ocean. This shelf is considered to be geologically part of the continental crust of earth.
Answer 2) Benthic zone - This zone is known to be the ecological region at the lowest level of water bodies like an ocean or a lake, which also includes the sediment surface and some sub-surface layers below it. The living organisms found in this zone are called benthos.
Answer 3) Bathyal Zone - This zone has a marine ecologic realm which extends down from the edge of the continental shelf to the depth at which the water temperature is found to be 4° C. The range of bathyal zone is generally described to be having depth lying between 1000 to 4,000 m below the oceanic surface. This zone is also called as midnight zone.
Answer 4) Abyssal zone - This zone consists of a layer of the pelagic zone of the ocean. "Abyss" derives from the Greek word which means bottomless. It has the depth extending from of 4,000 to 6,000 metres, this zone is found to remain in perpetual darkness.
Answer 5) Photic Zone - Photic zone consists of a surface layer of the ocean which receives the rays of sunlight. In the uppermost 80 m (approximately 260 feet) or more of the ocean, which is observed to be sufficiently illuminated as to carry out photosynthesis by phytoplankton and plants, is called the euphotic zone.
Answer 6) Aphotic zone - This aphotic zone contains the portion of a lake or ocean where there is little or no sunlight. As aphotic means without light. The depths are found to be so dark which allows less than 1% of sunlight to penetrate in. Bioluminescence is essentially the only light that is found in this zone.
Answer 7) Bathypelagic Zone - This zone is found in deep ocean waters, which is about 3,000–13,000 feet (and approximately 1,000 – 4,000 m) below the oceanic surface.This region is home to a wide variety of marine forms, which includes eels, fishes, mollusks, and others.
Answer 8) Phytoplankton and Fish - Phytoplankton are widely found in this region which absorbs heat energy from the Sun and utilize the nutrients from the water to produce their own food.They perform photosynthesis, with release molecular oxygen into the water body. It is observed that between 50% and 85% of the world's oxygen is produced from phytoplankton photosynthesis. Some species of fishes are also found in this region.
Answer 9) Lantern fish and Mid-water jelly fish - The organisms ound in this region are lantern fish and jelly fish, lantern fishes also called as Symbolophorus barnardi, is a deep-water fish which gets its name from its ability to produce light. Mainly light is given off by tiny organs of the fish body known as photophores. A mid water jelly fish is a transparent jelly fish with many short fringe tentacles. These are found in 100 to 500 meters deep in ocean (usually mid -water zone).
Answer 10) Bacteria and Angler Fish - In this region many bacteria and Anglerfish are found; Angler fish are of the teleost order Lophiiformes. They are usually bony fish which is named after their characteristic mode of predation, in which a fleshy growth from the fish's head acts as a lure. Many Bioluminescent bacteria are found to be present in this zone which are seen in free living or in symbiosis with other animals.