Respuesta :
Answer: Stomach
The food is broken down with the help of various enzymes and acids that is released by the stomach. These acids and enzymes breakdown the food into smaller particles called as chyme( thick semifluid mass of partially digested food).
The digestive juices are formed by the gastric glands which secrete the enzyme named as pepsin, which acts on protein breaks it.
Other secretions like pancreatic juices are added to chyme in the stomach that also helps in digestion of food.
I believe the correct answer is D. Stomach
Digestion is divied into mechanical and chemical digestion. Mechanical breakdown only happens in the mouth by teeth while chemical digestion begins in the mouth with the aid of the enzyme salivary amylase and then continues into the stomach where the food is broken down into a jelly like fluid called chyme.
Further Explanation:
Digestion begins in the mouth where the food is broken down into smaller chunkes and mixed with saliva. The saliva digests starch from the food by the aid of the enzyme salivary amylase. The saliva and the tongue then roll the food into a bolous and is pushed into the esophagus by the tongue. The epiglottis blocks the trachea to prevent chocking and the food enters the esophagus. The esophagus then starts a rippling like motion called peristalisis that pushes the food boluses down the esophagus to the duodenum where the food is mixed with digestive juices. The food then proceeds into the stomach where the digestive juices contain proteases that break down proteins into amino acids. It also contains HCl that kills any bacteria or microorganism that might have been swallowed and also neutralizes acids taken in. The stomach starts to contract and relax periodically that causes churning and turning of the food until it is in a semi solid jelly like consistency called chyme. The chyme then is pushed to the small intestines via the pyloric sphincter. In the small intestines, carbohydrates, fats and lipids are digested with the aid of enzymes. The small intenstines are also the site for food absorption and they contain microvilli for this purpose. The chyme after full absorption in the coiled small intestines enter the large intestines where fiber, water and electrolytes are absorbed. The waste material is then taken to the rectum awaiting excretion through the anus.
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Learn more about the stomach:
Level: High School
Subject: Biology
Topic: The Digestive System