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Banishment and confistication of properties. His reason was treason.


In his second year as pope, Innocent faced the problem of heresy in Christianity. He referred to the heretics as people who were committing treasons against God.

for people to be spiritual disciplined he called on church authorities to use excommunication. Banishment and confistication of properties were also used against the heretics of the Albigensian and Waldensian movements.

His reasons were that the traitors were committing treasons against God and were offending divine majesty.


Pope Innocent III, who was also known as  Lothair of Segni called on church authorities to use excommunication as a tool of spiritual discipline, and called on French nobles to use confiscation of property and banishment as a crusade against the heretics of the Albigensian and Waldensian movements.


Pope Innocent III Was Also Known As Lothair of Segni; in Italian, Lotario di Segni (birth name). Pope Innocent III Was Known For Calling the Fourth Crusade and the Albigensian Crusade, approving the works of Saint Dominic and Saint Francis of Assisi, and convoking the Fourth Lateran Council

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